So as a newbie blogger, I like to roam the interwebs to see what similar blogs are out there and what is connected to my blog name. On just such a trawl, I discovered that The Big Stripe is a name associated with a certain life-long type of inmate at prisons.
Hmmm. This required further research. Remote in hand, cup of tea in the other, I watched
Lockdown last night. One look at the sea of big black and white stripes definitely made my heart sink.
I am therefore considering - while my readership is (still) negligible lol - switching my blog name in favor of something with less
errr criminal connotations.
While I ponder this move, here is a bit of arm candy I was sporting today:
Left to right: Ring -
David Yurman
Silver bangle 1 - bangle made from an antique silverware handles and received from a family friend for Confirmation.
Silver bangle 2 is also made from an antique spoon or fork handle and this was a gift from my mother, who purchased it off the Grande Place in Brussels, Belgium.
Suede with studs wrist band - Charlotte Russe
Silver simple bangle - a hand-me-down from my cousin.
I wore a grey
Rugby ruffle button down with a chunky navy sweater, so I needed to toughen up the look a little.
Of course, Sherman had to give final approval.
Do you stack your bracelets?